Main research areas:
- Continental shelf and slope dynamics in the Bay of Biscay and the English Channel with a specific focus on (sub)mesoscales and fronts and their interannual variability in the frame of the climate change (including impact of extreme events).
Examples of ongoing research projects:
- COCTO-FO project (Coastal Ocean Continuum in surface Topography Observations – CNES) – 2020-2023 // Main objective: Understanding fine scale processes over the continental shelf in the Bay of Biscay and observability of such scale processes from SWOT satellite mission.
- COXTCLIM project (Agence de l’Eau Loire-Bretagne – PhD project Coline Poppeschi) // Main objective: Evaluate impact of hydro-meteorological extreme event on coastal ocean.
- SeaLex project (ISBlue flagship project – post-doc Adam Ayouche) – 2020-2023 // Main objective: Simulate Bay of Biscay circulation during the whole Holocene and assess implications for coastal socio-evosystems.
- Coastal In Situ Observing networks (high frequency measurements) – Driving and Designing
- co-Coordination of COAST-HF (Coastal ocean observing system – High frequency) in situ observing network –
- co-Coordination of COAST-HF (Coastal ocean observing system – High frequency) in situ observing network –
Examples of ongoing research projects dedicated to develop observing systems or near future technological developments:
- ROEC (Réseau d’Observation [Haute-Fréquence] de l’Environnement Côtier (CPER) – and ObsOcean – ROEC-ILICO (CPER) – 2021-2027 // Main objective: Sustain and Develop coastal observing systems around French Brittany.
- JERICO-S3 project (H2020) – 2020-2023 // Main objective: Improve European cooperation and practices to build an European Reasearch Infrastructure dedicated to coastal ocean observation.
- MyCoast 2 project (Interreg – extent of MyCoast project) – 2022 // Main objective: build a coordinated Atlantic Coastal Operational Observatory in the Atlantic area, joining capabilities from all the 5 Member States, all targeted towards the improvement of coastal monitoring and forecasting tools to support threat and emergency response. Example of MyCoast action:
- HF Radar deployment in Landes (French Atlantic Coast in the Bay of Biscay – system deployed in Mimizan) 2021-today // Main objective: Extend the observation capabilities of surface currents in the Southeastern Bay of Biscay – new antenna of HF Radar EUSKOOS observing network.
- MICO (Micro-AUV pour des mesures en milieu côtier) project (R&D Région Bretagne) – 2021-2023 // Main objective: Contribute to the development of a coastal micro-AUV for ocean observations with Seaber company.
- TAOS (Transdisciplinary Autonomous Observational System) project (Ifremer) // Main objective: Demonstrate the capabilities of an advanced transdisciplinary autonomous observational system in the Bay of Seine.
- co-Development and diffusion of Python tools for oceanography – the VACUMM library